
Breaking up is hard to do

Especially when you have to break up with a book. This article is great, for the ways it breaks down types of books to dump.


  1. My 8th grade English teacher taught the class that if they were not enjoying a book after 50 pages, they should stop reading and choose something else. (Loved that teacher!) I have lived by that rule ever since, and never feel guilty for abandoning books mid-stream. Those books let ME down, not the other way around.

  2. I hate the idea anyone "should read" any work of fiction. If I want to improve myself I will read non fiction, fiction is something to enjoy. The reader's experience with reading fiction can vary from joy to tears, but the reader should never experience boredom or drudgery. I tend to read a variety of books at the same time so I can read whatever appeals to my mood at the moment. I know I have found a book to share a wonderful relationship with when I can not stop reading it. I know it is time to let go and for the book to find another reader when I have no interest in returning to its pages.

    Commitment can be a wonderful experience, but there are too many books I could love that I will never have time to discover, why waste so precious time on a relationship that is not working for me or the book?
